Saturday, May 22, 2010

Happy Birthday to Rainy(her real birthday)

Thursday was Rainy's "real" Birthday as she calls it. It was a pretty low key day, we started off the day by having pancakes, bacon and strawberries- her favorites. Then we all got dressed, Rainy got dressed in her Lelli Kelly knock offs that I made for her and a shirt I had decorated for her as well. After a little while we met up with Grandma(Karen), cousin Brigham, Aunt Caila, and Cousin Lana for some ice cream and to play at McDonalds. The kids had a great time, and Daddy even made a surprise visit on his lunch break from work. Then after McDonalds we headed home again. I made Rainy's favorite Lunch items- Ramen noodles and a tuna sandwich.Sounds appetizing huh? We put Stellar down for a nap and then Mommy needed a rest too. Rainy laid down with me and it was so nice to have some quiet time just with her to just snuggle and talk. After resting we got ready for Daddy to come home, which meant Rainy got to open presents. So as soon as Daddy walked in thats what we did. Rainy is so funny with every gift she posed for the camera. She was super excited about getting her First Cabbage Patch doll, her sleeping beauty polly pocket and Candy Land game. I fixed dinner next, getting ready for this- Macaroni and Sausage links, again her choice. And no that is not something I normally pair together. Our Home teachers came over and visited us.They brought us some chocolate chip cookies and when they left we played Candy land and ate the cookies. Rainy whooped our butts!I read the Book "Birthday Presents" to Rainy and cried and then we put the birthday girl to bed. It was a good day!
More to come later on the Fancy Nancy Princess Tea Party Birthday Party Extravaganza... as for now, this Momma is Exhausted! (because the Extravaganza happened today and it was a PARTY!)

1 comment:

Kristi M. said...

Happy Birthday Rainy! We sure miss you and missed seeing you guys when you were in town. Gunnar can totally kick our behinds in Candyland too. I always lose. Can't wait to see the party.