Sunday, May 23, 2010

Goodbye to the Binky...

With the binky...
and without, isnt he adorable!?

So before I tell you about Rainy's Fabulous party I wanted to tell you a little about Stellar's accomplishment in the last week and a half or so. If any of you know Stellar, you know how attached he has been to the "Bintey" or binky or pacifier or whatever you call it. You can see the evidence in his little smile, his front teeth have pushed up from those things. Anyways, I finally got fed up with always trying to find one for him, he liked to throw them wherever even though he loves them desperately. And we figured it was just time to get rid of them. So one evening we sat him down and talked to him, we dont know how well he understood what we said but he is smarter than you think. We told him we were going to put the binkies in a box and save them to give to our new baby. I think we had gathered up 10 we had found around the house. he put a few in his mouth and then finally put them in the box. He cried. I wanted to cry. Then we decided we would give him the treasure Rainy and I had found at the Goodwill a couple nights before, it was a Lightening McQueen Boom box. I got it for 3.99! It was in great condition! So he gave away his binky and we gave him the boombox. He loved it, but was still upset about the binky. So we put some Pixar movie Music on and he sat in my lap and rocked out a little bit. And then I started bawling. I realized Stellars babyhood is leaving, he is getting so big, so smart and talking so much more(especially because we got rid of the binky.)I have such a tender spot for him, I definitely love my boy differently, not more, but differently than my girl. Then it was bedtime, the true test.Weput him in his room, with the boombox playing soft piano music. He was upset, but not bad. He has been upset a few nights after that, and has had a few more melt downs than normal. But all in all he has done GREAT! And I am so proud of him! Yay for Stellar the big boy and No more binkies!


Anonymous said...

I am so proud of him!! And I am grateful that it wasn't a terrible experience for any of you!

shellysanford said...

yeah!! Good job stellar!!WHOOT WHOOT!

Kristi M. said...

Yeah! He has the cutest little smile without it. I would have to agree (even though I don't have a girl to compare) that the love for a little boy is so special. They are definately momma's boys.