Sunday, June 6, 2010

Stellar's "kachow" Cars Happy to you!(in other words his Cars birthday party)

My Parents came into town this week, we had a great time, despite Stellar having a HORRIBLE stomach flu and it seemed every time we thought he was going to be okay and we ventured out of the house, he puked. And then when he was finally feeling better and we were headed out the door to go to the zoo, Rainy had a fever. Luckily Rainy didn't get anything but a fever. Finally on Friday everyone was doing okay, which was great because that was the night we decided to celebrate Stellar's birthday. On Thursday night I made a "kachow" or Lightening McQueen/Cars cake.I thought it turned out pretty well. The green things in the back are cactus, in case you couldn't tell. The cars are in Radiator Springs, which is a desert.
So on Friday My Mom, Dad, Lex, and Rainy helped me get the house all cleaned up and decorated and got the food ready for the party. Then we waited for Josh to get home and Josh's family to arrive. After everyone arrived we ate my Dad's VERY yummy hamburgers and steak and all the regular bbq sides, fresh fruit, POTATO SALAD(my personal fav) and corn the cob. It was soo yummy. The weather was beautiful so all the kids played outside and had a great time. Then we had Stellar open his gifts. He got lots of fun stuff that he has thoroughly enjoyed playing with. One thing he got was a little tikes basketball hoop, he loves the one at church so we bought him one.HE LOVES IT!
After gifts, we sung to Stellar and he blew out his candles.It was so fun, at first he sang with us, but then when he realized we were all singing to him, he got all shy and put his head down. He blew his candles so cute and then everyone clapped and I thought this next pic was absolutely adorable...

I love this picture. This sums Stellar's second birthday party.


Kristi M. said...

I can't believe it has been 2 years already. I seriously remember where we were when Jeff and I read the text from Josh that he was born and then seeing you guys in the hospital. Time really does fly.

shellysanford said...

Emily you look so great! It seriously looks like you just have a little ball under your shirt, very cute, I cant wait to see you new little one:)